
Via chat:

@everyone users take note: I will be removing AdWorksMedia offerwall, it's never been used and nothing there that isn't on other walls for same or more anyway. Added Adshorti high paying shortlink.
I am installing and setting up EC-Arcade this weekend, to begin Alpha testing, I will need Beta testers once its up and seems stable. If you are interested in helping test it before opening to the public let me know here or email with your username there. This will allow you to play dozens of games online (mobile or PC) in your browser, and earn coins for playing them, with no limit on the amount of play/earnings!We will initially probably start with only 4-6 games, once the backend is sorted and everything looks good, I will be adding 8-10 games a week for the next few months. I hope to have 75+ online by the end of September.
The passive earning game is still being worked on when time allows, but that is still a ways down the road. I HOPE to have time (depends on EC-Arcade) this coming week to add 2 new offerwalls, NoTik and TimeWall. Timewall is great cause it has tons of easy no captcha high paying PTC's (usually 80 to 100+ daily) every single day. NoTik has some good high paying offers and surveys. 24H Airdrops will be going up in a short while in chat! users Promocode: ECARCADE50 is worth 250 coins to the first 15 claimers! Happy weekend everyone!

Views: 782 | Comments: 0 | Date: 09 Jul 2022 17:36